Stop Snoring Tips

Is this you in the morning, even after 8 hours’ sleep?
- Tired
- Irritable
- Depressed
- Dizzy
- Headache
- Is snoring affecting your relationship?
- Have you been forced to sleep in the spare room?
- Do you find it hard to get going in the morning?
- Do you fall asleep in front of the TV at night?
- Are you gaining weight?
Snoring affects every area of your life and can have serious consequences such as increased blood pressure, heart ailments and stroke.
There's nothing worse than looking forward to a peaceful night's rest after a long, hard day at work - only to have that dream destroyed by the loud sounds of someone snoring. Or could it possibly be you who is the cause of your, and everyone else's sleep deprivation? Snoring is not just a noisy irritation that you have every time you go to sleep - sometimes it could be a sign of something far worse! But however serious your snoring is, there is no reason why you have to endure it as there is always a cure - one way or another! The trick is finding out what type of snoring you suffer from and what your best solution is.
What causes snoring?
It can be a number of things:
- Smoking
- Evening alcohol
- Being overweight
- Residual tonsils
- Menopause
- Nasal stuffiness (due to a diverted septum, nasal polyps or allergies)
- Sedatives taken just before going to sleep
- Receding lower jaw
- Hypothyroidism
How does your sleeping position affect your snoring?
Everyone snores differently and for different reasons. It is therefore important to first decipher how and when you snore in order to find your ideal solution.
- Snoring with a closed mouth means that there may be a problem with the tongue
- Snoring with an open mouth means that there may be a problem with the throat tissue
- Snoring while sleeping on your back indicates that the problem isn’t serious and can be solved by changing your sleeping or lifestyle habits
- Snoring in any sleeping position indicates a more severe problem and that you may need more intensive treatment
What can be done about it?
You can start by making some simple changes:
- Lose a few kilograms - Excess weight is the most common factor that contributes to snoring. As a long-term goal, try losing weight, as reducing the fatty tissue found in the throat leads to decreasing snoring. considerably.
- Quit smoking - Since smoking leads to irritation and dryness of the throat mucous membranes, quitting smoking
- Reduce consumption of certain substances - This includes alcohol, sedatives (such as sleeping pills and antihistamines), dairy products and caffeine which aggravate the snoring when consumed just before bedtime as they lower muscle tone in the upper airways, which causes an increased airway resistance -- and snoring. Many people who reduce consuming these substances report improvements in their snoring.
- Change your sleep position -Depending on the type of snoring you are suffering with,some people notice an increased amount of snoring occurs when they sleep on their backs. Described as positional snoring, this type of snoring has a simple solution. Sew a ball into the pocket of a t-shirt and wear it backwards. This will keep you off your back during sleep.
- Get an extra pillow - Some positional snorers also improve when their head is slightly elevated while asleep.
- Pack some earplugs - If you're worried that the loudness of your snoring still won't be under control, do your fellow vacationers a favor and pack some earplugs for them. They'll thank you for it.
- Strengthen your throat muscles - Do throat exercises or sing for 30 minutes every day to help strengthen the muscles. This will help reduce snoring as the throat muscles will be less likely to collapse.
- Consider Surgery - Surgery may help if you suffer with a deviated septum, a crooked partition between the nostrils, swollen tonsils or swollen adenoids. Surgeries like ‘The Pillar Procedure’, ‘Adenoidectomy’ or ‘Tonsillectomy’ are some of the more popular and effective surgeries that you may want to consider.
If the snoring persists, try a mandibular advancement device like SnoreMeds. SnoreMeds is a custom-fitted mouthpiece that you wear while you sleep. Highly effective with 85% of snoring sufferers, it works by gently moving the lower jaw slightly forward, opening the throat and keeping the airway unobstructed. This eliminates the vibrations we know as snoring. The benefits are immediate, and after just one night of wearing SnoreMeds, you will wake up refreshed and energised, free from the negative effects of snoring like fatigue, headaches, stress, irritability and depression.
If all else fails be sure to consult your doctor in order to find out whether you are in fact suffering from sleep apnea. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine may be your safest option.