Stop Snoring and Avoid Diabetes

You and your partner retire for the night. Your partner starts to snore, softy at first, becoming louder.
You prod him. He stops. He starts again. You wake him and ask him to change positions. It helps for a while - though not for long. You prod him again, perhaps not as gently as he’d like. Now you’re both awake. The next morning you’re both tired and a little grumpy and you can’t remember when last you had a decent night’s sleep.
Does this sound familiar? Did you know that the problem is potentially a lot more serious than feeling tired or grumpy? You’re both likely to be suffering from sleep deprivation which in itself can trigger a host of chronic health problems for both snorers and ‘snorees’ whether male or female. The risks include hypertension, heart disease, obesity, immune function, depression and anxiety, among others.
Snoring, Sleep Deprivation and Diabetes
Diabetes awareness month is in November worldwide, and in South Africa medical experts are concerned at what has been termed a diabetes ‘tsunami.’ It’s estimated that three and a half million South Africans suffer from diabetes - with possibly millions more undiagnosed or with higher blood glucose levels than normal (pre-diabetes). In a study at Yale University (USA) it was found that people who snore heavily have a 50 percent greater chance of developing diabetes than those who ‘sleep quietly.’ And it’s not just the snorers. Snoring creates a pattern of sleep deprivation for both snorers and their partners which in turn may undermine blood sugar control, developing into Type 2 diabetes. For overweight people, the risk is higher.
Try our SnoreMeds Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece, we have an 85% success rate and we know this because we keep in contact with our customers. We are committed to offering you a better quality of sleep.